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by Dr. Mercola –
I strongly encourage you to watch the documentary film Mercury Undercover below, which exposes just how far those in power will go to prevent you from learning the truth about mercury contamination from dental amalgam – all in the name of money.
Dental amalgam is a primitive, pre-Civil War product that is 50 percent mercury, still commonly used in dental fillings.
Half of all North American dentists still use amalgam for its quick and easy profits, then pass the bill for damages on to the rest of us – damages to health, as well as to the environment.
Mercury Undercover discusses the mountain of evidence about mercury contamination, as reported by doctors, scientists, environmental experts and mercury-poisoned survivors.
The disturbing issues brought to light in this film will make you think twice before ordering a “catch-of-the-day” or planning your next dental procedure.
American dentistry’s 150-year affair with mercury is a tale of profits first, people last.

“A Biochemical Train Wreck in Your Body”

Boyd Haley PhD, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at University of Kentucky, said in the film that mercury is a “biochemical train wreck in your body.” Mercury causes your cell membranes to become leaky and inhibits key enzymes your body needs for energy production and toxin removal. Mercury doesn’t kill you quickly like cyanide… it kills you slowly and insidiously.
About 75 percent of adults have dangerous “silver” fillings. There is approximately 1,000 mg of mercury in the typical “silver” filling. This is nearly one million times more mercury than is present in contaminated sea food. Most people don’t realize that the mercury amalgams slowly release mercury vapor. Every time you chew, mercury vapor is released and quickly finds its way into your bloodstream, where it causes oxidative processes in your tissues.
Oxidation is one of the main reasons you develop disease, as well as the primary reason you age. Oxidation in your body leads to inflammation, including inflammation of the lining of your blood vessels. When this occurs, your LDL levels increase as your body attempts to “patch” those damaged vessel walls with cholesterol. LDL is a carrier of cholesterol. This is why people with mercury toxicity have damaged blood vessels, and elevated cholesterol and LDL levels.
However, oxidation and toxicity can lead to much more than just elevated lipid levels. Mercury in your body can result in a variety of serious neurological, immunological, and endocrinological problems. Mercury not only fuels the flames of inflammation, it also hampers your body’s ability to detoxify itself, which makes you even sicker. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases have been linked to mercury exposure. Research shows that traces of mercury can cause the type of nerve damage you usually see in Alzheimer’s disease.

Mercury is MORE Toxic to Your Body than Any Other Heavy Metal

Recent studies of the effects of various toxic heavy metals on your brain – including aluminum, lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury – reveal that mercury is by far the MOST toxic. No others even come close! This is because of mercury’s interaction with sulfur-containing proteins that are critical to your brain function.
Many scientists believe Alzheimer’s impairs communication and coordination between cells. You have 100 billion nerve cells, or neurons, in your brain, and these neurons make up an intricate communication/information network that requires a great deal of energy and waste removal. These processes require a large amount of fuel and oxygen. Mercury can seriously impair these important and complex neurological processes.

Science is now telling us that mercury may very well be a significant factor underlying much chronic disease, and one about which the majority of physicians are completely unaware. It doesn’t take much mercury to cause significant stresses in your body.
Sadly, many people with mercury toxicity are sick for MANY years, often decades, and have consulted dozens of physicians who fail to identify the real cause of their illness and suffering. Often these people have a constellation of seemingly unrelated symptoms. They are given bottle after bottle of pills, which merely mask some of the symptoms (at best) and create new imbalances within their bodies,without ever addressing the underlying cause of the problem. Not surprisingly, they fail to get better.

Can you get sick from just ONE mercury filling? Absolutely.

Even if you have only one, you’re getting years of daily “dosing” mercury vapor from that filling, which adds to the other sources of mercury and other toxic substances to which you are regularly exposed. Once your immune system takes any sort of a hit from an illness or stress or trauma, it may no longer be able to keep up with the assault of ongoing mercury exposure.

Mercury Vapor Sneaks its Way from Your Tooth to Your Brain

Mercury vapor is the form of mercury most easily absorbed by your body. Sadly, dentists are still taught in dental school that the mercury in amalgams is “bound” with the other metals and doesn’t leak, which is why half of them still believe it’s safe. Yet, you can MEASURE the mercury vapor coming off the tip of the root of an amalgam-filled tooth. The fact that mercury vapor can be measured at the tip of a tooth’s root is absolute proof that these amalgam fillings can and DO leak.
Once released from an amalgam-filled tooth, mercury in the form of nonreactive mercury vapor goes from your mouth to your lungs, then to your brain via your bloodstream. A common enzyme in your body called catalase converts (oxidizes) mercury vapor into the “Hg2plus” form, which is VERY toxic, and traps it inside your cells. Once here, it is very difficult for your body to remove it.
Experts say the mercury from amalgam is highly absorbed and gets into all parts of your body, including your brain and bone marrow. Every time you chew, mercury vapor is being liberated from those fillings and absorbed, potentially causing your health to decline over time.

Why is this Toxic Product STILL on the American Market?

Amalgam fillings contain more mercury than any other product sold in America. And they are highly profitable to dentists, which makes them that much harder to remove from the marketplace. Dentists can install amalgam fillings much faster than the primary alternative, which is composite fillings. Wherever healthcare budgets are tight, people in need of fillings are given amalgams. Low-income people, people in third-world countries, and even our soldiers get mercury fillings – even the pregnant ones – because they “cost less” to install. But with all that is known about the dangers of amalgam, why hasn’t it been removed from the market altogether?
What is the political pressure that stands in the way? This is a very good question, and one that has NOT been answered by the FDA, according to Charlie Brown, founder of Consumers for Dental Choice. Charlie Brown has been a champion in the battle to get mercury banned from dentistry.